大卫(本·蒂伯Ben Tibber饰)是从小生活在保加利亚集中营里面的12岁孩子,外面的世界对于他来说是一个谜。他的父母已经死去,大卫对自己的身世一无所知,在营中唯一给他慰藉的,是一名叫约翰的大人。但即使这样,大卫的脸上还是写着与年龄不相称的沧桑。 直到有一天,大卫竟然被神秘安排逃狱,并接到了一个任务:他必须把信送到丹麦的哥本哈根,不要相信任何人的叮嘱,被他默默记住。 于是,大卫开始了他的漫漫征程。希腊、意大利、瑞士、丹麦,他必须攀山越岭长途跋涉,才能到达哥本哈根。在外面的世界,他获得了从未品尝过的自由,遇上了善良温暖的人们。大卫在心中牢牢筑起的紧张戒备,在人情温泽下慢慢软化。人们帮助他消灾解困,度过厄险,手中信和路上美景,陪伴大卫通往哥本哈根。Twelve-year-old David escapes from a Communist concentration camp with little more than a compass, a sealed letter, a loaf of bread, and instructions to carry the letter to Copenhagen, Denmark. David is thrust into the free world for the first time as he travels across Europe. His spiritual voyage of discovery, where David slowly loses his instinctive mistrust of humanity and begins to smile, share, trust and ultimately, love, addresses the cruelties, politics, and suffering of warfare while celebrating the unbreakable spirit of a child.