在亚美尼亚一个与世隔绝的小村庄,鳏夫Hamo带着少的可怜的退休金和3个幼子每日赶往妻子的墓地。在那里他遇到了可爱的尼娜,她也在悼念亡夫。两人同样的贫穷,她在当地一家快要倒闭的酒吧工作,他被迫开始变卖微薄的财产。一切看起来都没有希望,这时Hamo向尼娜求婚,这意外的结合却给他们带来了转机。In a remote, isolated Yazidi Kurdish village in post-Soviet Armenia, Hamo, a widower with a pitiful pension and three worthless sons, travels daily to his wife's grave. There he meets the lovely Nina, who is communing with her late husband. The two are penniless--she works in a local bar that is about to close down, while he has been forced to start selling his meager possessions. All seems hopelessly bleak, yet when Hamo begins to court Nina, their unexpected love revitalizes them.