写真家荒木经惟、舞蹈家磨赤儿,再加上时装界风云儿荒川真一郎。三位日本艺术大师被园子温的才华打动,破天荒一起参与炮制爱情故事!当磨赤儿在排舞、荒川真一郎准备巴黎花生骚的时候,高校少女疾走到「关东煮」店,向店员告白,希望他能抱她一抱。店员认定少女只是喜爱夜蒲,敷衍地抱了她一抱,但这一抱竟令他爱上了她。店员决定追寻少女,起劲疾走,兜兜转转,却发现她已爱上了别人。但少女看到疾走受伤的店主,决定背起他,疾走起来。奇幻的发展有个深奥的片名,「Utsushimi」来自佛家「现身」一词,指今生之身躯。While butoh master Akaji Maro is in rehearsal and fashion designer Shinichiro Arakawa preparing for the Paris collection, filmmaker Sion Sono begins a movie about a high school girl who falls in love... with a restaurant cook she's never even talked to. Soon the artists' works come together in a race to help the girl's love.