故事叙述汤玛因为不想生儿育女,也不想给承诺,结果给玛丽甩了。一年后,汤玛还是心系玛丽。在偶然的机会下,汤玛代替邻居照顾她襁褓中的婴儿。他灵机一动,想运用这个机会扮演好爸爸,让玛丽回心转意。 前任Canal+气象小姐夏洛特·勒崩Charlotte Le Bon)和法国新生代演员拉斐尔·培松纳兹(Raphaël Personnaz)合演的爱情喜剧。Parisian Thomas Platz is suddenly made the guardian of a baby - then pretends to be its real father in order to win back Marie, the girlfriend who dumped him a year before. Stuck between staying a man-child forever, and proving he is ready to take the next steps of marriage and family with the love of his life, Thomas goes on an unexpectedly hilarious adventure getting the girl of his dreams to believe he has changed.