失败的中年建筑工人Donald成天愁眉不展,所有人都当他是个倒霉的窝囊废,他甚至和妻子都已经15年没有过性生活。一天喝醉回家后,神志不清的Donald因为讨厌妻子用新买的微波炉烹饪食物而与之发生争执,一怒之下他将妻子掐死、分尸加热而食。失意的Donald似乎突然找到了阴郁人生的新出口,并渐渐对此上了瘾,从此一发不可收拾......Construction worker Donald is having a hard time getting anything good to eat since his wife has decided to only cook gourmet foods. That and her constant harping cause him to snap, and he whacks her. Somewhere in the confusion he comes up with a new use for the microwave oven, and begins to eat much better. Soon he's experimenting with different recipes. And different meats.