Russ 在大学的最后一年盘算着毕业后独立制作电视节目,唯一要等的就是毕业!可是真正毕业以后他才发现他找不到工作,一时间没了计划,只有回家,和年少时的狐朋狗友们又开始了堕落的生活。他的生活唯一的目标变成追求高中时的初恋 Tara。他开始拒绝来自朋友们的帮助,想自食其力,可是生活的无奈逼迫他做出艰难的选择,是成为和他朋友们一样的城市生活的依赖者,还是抛开一切,到外面的世界去闯一闯?Russ was on cloud nine, living up senior year at college and enjoying his dream of having his own television show when it happened: GRADUATION! Broke, and suddenly with no job or plan, Russ finds himself living back home in his small town with his degenerate friends. The only solace Russ discovers is in chasing after Tara, his old high school crush. Russ, with no help from his friends, struggles to find his place in life. Russ is forced to make a decision, take a chance at a new life by leaving town, or to accept becoming a townie like so many of his friends.