歌舞伎町是一个鱼龙混杂危险的地方。某天一辆运钞车被劫,犯罪者龙一(竹内力 饰)及其同伴是当年二战后返日的中国残留孤儿后代。在身份不被认同的祖国里,他们行走于社会边缘,无恶不作。克尽职守的警官城岛(哀川翔 饰)接手此案,经过仔细调查,案情逐渐浮出水面。 在一次警匪枪战中,城岛痛失搭档井上(寺岛进 饰),小龙之弟(柏谷みちすけ 饰)亦中弹身亡,两人仇恨愈深。小龙为弟报仇,杀害城岛家人。痛失妻女的城岛辞去警官职务,开始了对小龙一伙人的猎杀追逐…… 本片为三池崇史1999年黑帮犯罪影片,“生死格斗三部曲”第一部。Without a home and feeling no obligation to Japanese society or Yakuza, Ryuichi (Takeuchi Riki) and his small group decide to make their own place by trying to take over the Shinjuku underworld and the drug trade from Taiwan. As they plan an all-out-assault on the remaining Chinese and Japanese mafia kings, only Detective Jojima (Aikawa Sho) stands between them and complete domination.