《豪华同志电影史》片如其名,不管是文献份量、受访者的代表性、以及论述纵深,都称得上无比“豪华”!电影从50年代谈起,纪录六十年来大屏幕对同志题材的呈现与转折。除了邀请到奥斯卡最佳导演李安、金棕榈最佳导演葛斯凡桑、柏林影展金熊奖得主托德海恩斯、约翰卡麦隆米契尔等巨擘现身说法,畅谈创作理念与作品意义外,更搭配性别及媒体研究权威从学术角度出发,审视半个多世纪以来电影里同志论述如何与时代氛围及社会运动交相撞击、激荡的动态过程。配合年表,观众除了可以在片中回味《男孩别哭》、《毒药》、《摇滚芭比》、《断背山》等经典作品的片段,更能看到数个世代以来全球各地同志运动所留下极为珍贵的新闻片段与影像纪录。而在《魔戒》中饰演白袍巫师甘道夫的英国资深演员伊恩麦克连在数万人面前公开出柜,并号召其它同志勇敢挺身的动人宣言,也收录进《豪华同志电影史》。A chronological look at films by, for, or about (or 'by, for, and about') homosexuals in the United States, from 1947 to 2005, from Kenneth Anger's 'Fireworks' to Ang Lee's 'Brokeback Mountain'. Talking heads, anchored by critic and scholar B. Ruby Rich, are interspersed with an advancing chronology and with clips from two dozen films. The narrative groups the pictures around various firsts, movements, and triumphs: experimental films, independent films, sex on screen, outlaw culture and bad guys, female romances, films about A.I.D.S. and dying, emergence of romantic comedy, transsexual films, films about diversity and various cultures, and then main-stream Hollywood drama. What might come next?