讲述巴洛克画院的学生雨烟(谢容儿 饰)偶然梦见自己已经离世的同学苏苏,而后陷入灵异事件之中,神秘的纸人如梦靥一般缠住雨烟,苏苏借纸人还魂复仇的传说不胫而走,雨烟遭遇的种种异象表明,是死去的苏苏在还魂复仇。深夜隐没的无面鬼,暗夜游荡的白衣邪灵,预示着死亡的浓烈气息,一个尘封多年的秘密被揭晓,而雨烟却陷入了死亡之地。Because of his lover's refusal to come to the name of Vu - his best friend, Su Su too heartbreaking suicide. Since that tragic event, Vu Yen has always been in his heart, even often dreaming of nightmares. Increasingly, the nightmare becomes more real and becomes horrifying in the female dorm.