专营中华料理的桃源饭店以其招牌菜桃源饺子闻名遐迩,引得四方游客竞相品尝。与此同时,城中发生数起凶杀碎尸案件,坊间传闻这些案件与桃源饺子的肉馅有关。警方派出能岛悟郎(成濑胜也 饰)及其搭档严乃(岩田雄介 饰)共同调查,却毫无进展,还遭到桃源饭店老板陈源林(山崎荣 饰)一通暴揍。 另一方面,少女林为了学习桃源饺子(みひろ 饰)不畏辛苦拜在了桃源饭店创始人周独取(寺中寿之 饰)的门下,她刻苦修炼,势要将这门技艺发扬光大。陈为了保护饭店和林,更是不惜一切代价……Why is it that men love the dumplings of Ms. Lin so much? Why is it that there are so many human disappearances in the vicinity? What did the restaurant chef's master teach him? Most importantly, where do the dumplings travel through before they appear on the customers' plates? Watch and learn why Ms. Lin's restaurant is so popular.