吉恩在妻子去世后想同加利福尼亚的一位女子佩吉结婚,但遭到父亲的强烈反对;后来母亲死了,吉恩想要父亲做一个看门的职业,也遭到父亲的反对;他又建议老父与他一道去加州,老父却坚持住在纽约。结果吉恩负气离家出走。本片反映了现实生涯中子女如何对待父母,尤其是孤寡老人的问题。另一方面也对社会上广为流传的“子恨父",“父摆架子"的两代人之间在的对立情绪给予了绝妙的讽刺。本片获得奥斯卡最佳编剧、最佳男主角、最佳男配角的提名。Hackman plays a New York professor who wants a change in his life, and plans to get married to his girlfriend and move to California. His mother understands his need to get away, but warns him that moving so far away could be hard on his father. Just before the wedding, the mother dies. Hackman's sister (who has been disowned by their father for marrying a Jewish man) advises him to live his own life, and not let himself be controlled by their father.