影片讲述了前美国纽约州州长斯皮策传奇般大起大落的政治生涯,详细梳理了斯皮策事件的始末,从他当年高票当选纽约州检察长,到打击华尔街大公司的不法行为、参与对卖淫团伙的查处而被冠以“华尔街警长”成为政界红人,再到“嫖妓门事件”的爆发,斯皮策被限期在48小时内提出辞职的戏剧化的过程。 本片通过大量的对斯皮策的朋友、熟人甚至其反对者的独家专访,探讨了整个美国社会关于傲慢、性以及权力当中微妙的关系及其互相作用力。 导演阿莱克斯·吉布内是美国著名的纪录片导演,之前曾经因影片《开往暗处的的士》在2008年获得了奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖。其他代表作还包括《屋内聪明人》等。Documentary on the rise of Eliot Spitzer, first as Attorney General and then Governor of New York and his subsequent downfall due to a sex scandal. Spitzer had a hard driving, take no prisoners approach to prosecuting criminals. When he focused his efforts on Wall Street, he came up against some very powerful men. The chink in his armor was an escort whom he met regularly. When the fact that he spent time with a prostitute became public the knives came out so to speak, and Spitzer found himself isolated, resigning the Governorship. At one point, Spitzer recounts the story of a friend who gave him a t-shirt with 'Hubris is Terminal' printed on the front. A fitting epitaph somehow for his political career.