苏比埃拉可以算得上是阿根廷电影界的得奖专业户了吧, 自81年《天堂的征服》以来, 他的每一部影片都几乎为他赢得了近20项大大小小的国际奖项, 并为他获得了众多国际声誉, 其在阿根廷电影界的地位估计能赶得上库斯图里卡在南斯拉夫电影的地位了, 而两人的电影风格却也都带有强烈的魔幻现实主义色彩. 在七八部已经D出过DVD的苏比埃拉作品中, 我最中意的可能还是86年这部和92年的《心之阴暗面》.A new patient mysteriously appears in a psychiatric ward. He claims to come from another planet to study humans and their behavior. The alien is gentle but criticizes humans for their harsh treatment of each other. The assigned psychiatrist is himself unhappy, and affected by the patient's insight. But he is ordered to treat the patient according to institutional procedure.