像散落在宇宙的玩偶,变成流星降落到地球上…… 随着时间流逝,现代。被命运选择的少年·礼堂光,得到了不可思议的“银河火花”。 那些变小了的怪兽和奥特战士再次被神秘的物体变回了原来巨大化的姿态。 同时又突然出现了凶恶怪兽和宇宙人!巨大大的黑暗力量开始涌动。 为了保护人类,小光用银河火花的力量将怪兽和奥特战士的玩偶和“ウルトライブ”一体化。于是新的奥特曼登场!All of the Ultramen and monsters have been turned into figures known as Spark Dolls and became scattered throughout the universe. A young man named Hikaru Raido finds an item called the Ginga Spark which not only allows him to become Ultraman Ginga, but also allows him to Ultraive with the figures to change them to their rightful size and become one with them.