生长于政治世家的赤场帝一(菅田将晖饰),从小就以当上日本总理为目标,为了建立自己的王国,他必须在孕育出多位政治领袖,人称「超精英学校」的海帝高校展露头角,只有当过海帝高校学生会长的人,未来才有机会角逐总理的宝座。「我一定打败所有竞争对手,站在顶点!为此我会不择手段!」比谁都早开始计划的帝一,将要面对意想不到的陷阱和试炼!斗个你死我活的学生会长选举战争即将华丽展开!Teiichi dreams of one day being the ruler of his own empire, but to get there he needs to make sure that his candidate for class president at his elite high school wins the election. This is a high school election fought with all the fervor or a nasty, national campaign. Lies, bribery, sabotage and scandal all come into play as the boys fight it out to determine who will be the next class president.