本片乃王晶早期賣座的愛情喜劇,本片無論橋段、笑料、節奏、演員等,均具備了觀眾最喜愛的喜劇片元素。有錢仔(傅聲)與另一富家子(陳百祥)爭女。鬥錢多,鬥本事,分別追求女星(劉雪華),黑社會頭子之女(錢慧儀)……但只有樸實的護士(鍾楚紅)才是有錢仔的最愛……Yan Quan Sheng aka Romantic Sheng (played by Fu Sheng), is a rich playboy who lives a carefree and fun life with the ladies, until his mother decides that he should look for a wife. He courts a actress and a rich heiress, but has competition from Lothario, Valentine and a TV actor. Along the way, Romantic Sheng must choose between remaining a playboy or settling down with his one true love.