立花雫(新木优子 饰)、铃木赖(吉沢亮 饰)和东条昴(杉野遥亮 饰)是青梅竹马的好友和玩伴,三个小伙伴之间的友谊十分的坚实。驱使他们走到一起的,是三人拥有的共同的梦想,那就是成为万众瞩目的明星。 随着时间的推移,三人渐渐的长大的,不断地努力着接近梦想的立花和东条渐渐收获了他们想要得到的东西,他们一个成为了万丈光芒的模特,一个成为了冉冉升起的新星。只有铃木似乎还在原地踏步,没有任何的进展。渐渐的,三个小伙伴不再联系,踏上了各自的人生道路。让铃木没有想到的是,一天,立花竟然转学来到了自己所在的学校里,立花的再度出现让铃木重新燃起了对于梦想的热情。The movie centers on three childhood friends in a love triangle. Yori moved back to the countryside, and started wearing glasses and not being noticed by girls. Meanwhile, Shizuku entered the entertainment industry alongside Subaru, and both began working as a model and actor, respectively. But when Yori turns 16, he re-enters their lives.