2019年,世界文明濒临崩毁。在美国,两个菜鸟警察奉命巡逻波士顿最恶名昭彰的C-11区,当他们越接近城市的邪恶中心,他们不禁扪心自问:他们是否该要为正义而战?还是堕落为恶棍,享受及时行乐的快感?It's the year 2019 and the world is on the brink of collapse. Meanwhile in the U.S Two rookie cops are tasked to patrol the streets of Boston's District C-11. As the rookies get closer to the source of the city's woes, they ask themselves two questions. Do they fight for what's right? Or do they join the bad guys and become part of the problem.