年轻帅气的栗野健治(成宫宽贵饰)是一位为夜店物色小姐的街头混混,一心想出人头地。他总是利用“工作之便”带不同的女孩回家过夜,栗野并不知道,住在楼下的孤独自由撰稿人杉山博(皆川猿时饰)十分艳羡这样的生活。已经好几年没碰过女人的杉山一直事业无成的龟缩在家。某夜,喝得酩酊大醉的杉山遇见了萝莉装扮的胖女孩玉木小百合(村上知子饰),两人巫山云雨整夜。然而实际上玉木经常勾引男人与自己做爱,然后把过程偷拍下来做成DVD卖钱,这就是她目前的谋生之道。栗野一天在百货商场邂逅美丽的售货员友子(中村友理饰),友子在栗野的介绍下成了陪酒女郎,并决定听他的话去拍AV。妄想拯救地球的卡拉OK厅服务生宅男青柳光一(吉村崇饰),一直活在自己世界中。 本片改编自直木奖获奖作家奥田英朗出版于2005年的同名小说。A nice looking SCOUT hooks a future PORN STAR near the department store one day. It didn't take her long to be the highest paid porn actress, which eventually leads her to meet her NYMPHOMANIAC mother living in a trash-filled house. Next to the house, there lived a KARAOKE BOX STAFF who can't say "no" yet thinks himself as a special agent of the Galactic Forces (photo at left). In his imagination, he fights with yakuza and high-school girls, who extort money from real old-men through affairs in karaoke boxes. Meanwhile, an educated FREELANCE WRITER whose only companion is his little boy, was making out for the first time in many years with an ASPIRING VOICE ACTRESS who secretly films a "Fat Girl and Ugly Guy" porn series. Each life overlaps with one another in the street of Tokyo. Are they happy? Can they overcome such miserable situation