一支由20位登山专家组成的尼泊尔探险队出发前往圣母峰的「死亡地带」,为的是清除超过海拔8000公尺的世界最高垃圾堆,恢复这座神圣山峰的风采和消除1.3亿人赖以生存的水源污染。「死亡地带」名称的由来是因为该区氧气极为稀薄、气温极低而且地形险恶。虽然陆续有清理行动,一点一滴的将垃圾带下山,但从没有人敢夸口说真的解决了「死亡地带」的污染问题,在那里有150具遇难的登山者尸体和超过100,000磅垃圾。这次登山队再次攀登到了最高峰,并记录下了一场生与死的旅程。A team of 20 elite Nepali climbers venture into the Death Zone of Mount Everest to restore their sacred mountain and the contaminated water source of 1.3 billion people. They ascend the highest point on the planet to the 150 bodies of deceased climbers and 100,000 pounds of rubbish that remain on the high slopes of Everest. This is the self-documented story of their life-threatening journey.