布鲁斯.威利斯凭《终极警探》成名后主演的越战后遗症电影。他饰演一名越战退伍军人,在回到肯塔基州的老家之后仍然无法摆脱战争阴影,整天精神恍惚,无法控制情绪,以致亲友不知该如何跟他相处。唯有年轻的外甥女艾蜜莉罗德对这个舅舅特别感兴趣,因为可以从他身上了解越战是什么回事,为什么她那未曾谋面的父亲非要在这场战争牺牲不可?导演诺曼.杰维森从年轻人的观点来探讨这个在银幕上已不新鲜的主题,拍出了另一种感人的味道,可惜剧情交代有点浓淡不均。Samantha Hughes, a teenage Kentucky girl, never knew her father, who died in Vietnam before she was born. Samantha lives with her uncle Emmett Smith, who also served in Vietnam. Emmett hangs around with Tom, Earl and Pete, three other Vietnam veterans who, like Emmett, all have problems of one kind or another, that relate to their war experiences. Sam, as Samantha is known, becomes obsessed with finding out about her father and his experiences, but Emmett and the other veterans don't want to talk about the war. Sam pushes everyone to attend a dance honoring the town's veterans, but Pete and Earl get into a fight, Emmett disappears, and Tom takes Sam home for an unsuccessful tryst. When Sam reads her father's diary, she begins to understand what his life and death meant, and with a trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, she and Emmett at least temporarily come to terms with the war in their lives.