一个邪恶的美人鱼爱上了Marina的未婚夫Roman,她想让Marina离开Roman的身边。这个美人鱼在几世纪前在湖里溺水身亡,为了不让恶魔美人鱼侵占自己的身体,Marina只有一周的时间克服对深水的恐惧,与这个恶魔美人鱼展开殊死搏斗....An evil Mermaid falls in love with Marina's fiancé Roman and aims to keep him away from Marina in her Kingdom of Death under water. The Mermaid is a young woman who drowned a few centuries ago. Marina only has one week to overcome her fear of the dark water, to remain human in the deathly fight with the monsters and not to become one herself.