自视甚高的记者余美仁(谢楠饰)是电视台里炙手可热的晋升人选,为了击败对手,她不惜挑战无人胜任的采访任务——前往南方的偏僻小城,去揭露一个有机农场的重大秘密。不料,余美仁在那里不仅遇到了“猪队友”——脱线少年小达(马昂饰)和中二少女莫莫(丁一一饰),更发现低调随性的农场主竟是自己的“克星”——小学同学李十全(方力申饰)。小时候只要两人相距50米以内,她就会出糗倒霉。然而为了事业,余美仁不得不和“克星”擦出亦敌亦友的火花,在保持50米距离的同时,一段阴差阳错又爆笑感人的爱情正在这个浪漫的小城悄然绽放。A reporter, anxious to get to go to New York soon for some reporting *journalism bonus points*, gets sent to countryside instead; seen that somewhere before to it's credit though, she has to stay 50 meters away from this local guy cause ever since their childhood he brought her bad luck. her mission is to expose a local organic farm for not being organic.