十八线女艺人夏林身患“血癌”,为获得足够的金钱接受治疗只得纠缠“凌氏” 总裁凌异洲。为尽早接受骨髓移植,同时继续开展个人演绎事业,夏林和凌异洲协议隐婚,在二人的隐婚期间,除了甜蜜的生活外,也夹杂了来自多方面的阴谋论......A third-rate actress with leukemia becomes entangled with the powerful CEO of a company because she needs him for treatment. In order to receive a bone marrow transplant and continue her career as an actress, Xia Lin enters into a secret, contracted marriage with CEO Ling Yi Zhou. Despite the conspiracies and misunderstandings they encounter as they navigate their relationship, the two wind up finding love.