一支美国军队驻扎在拉勒米堡对抗印地安人.南北战争爆发,军队随即分裂成敌对南北两派.政府下令,允许南方士兵脱下军装回家乡参战.南方士兵在回乡途中遭到印地安人袭击,城堡的北方士兵得知后即派人救援.战斗结束了,受伤的南方士兵跟随北方士兵回城堡养伤,而其他士兵则继续踏上回家乡参战之路.It's just prior to the Civil War and Fort Laramie's problem is the Sioux Indians. When it is announced that war has been declared the fort becomes divided between northerners and southerners. The fort Commander and the southerners resign and head south. But they have to go through Sioux territory and are soon attacked. A messenger gets back to the fort to relate their hopeless condition and the new northern commanded must decide what to do.