2014年,突然现身的外星人「佩多拉」向地球人提出「交易」,以石灰岩作为交换,地球人获得了比战机、战车、枪更便宜好用,任谁都能轻易驾驶的意识控制型泛用机器人「EXOFRAME」,并迅速扩散于全球,既能作为交通工具、工业机械,亦可成为战争机器…。2015年,首场以EXOFRAME作为武器的战事爆发,看似充满好处且和平的交易背后,隐藏的真相究竟为何…?Sci-fi drama series. Aliens arrive at Earth and offer an exo-skeleton with telepathic neuro interface for each metric ton of limestone. Each stand-alone episode looks at the socio-economic and military impact of that encounter over the years up to and including the 25th century. Early episodes focus on the decades after the arrival and have an over-arching storyline about the effect that an unknown terrorist organization has that utilizes the exo-skeletons for warfare in various conflict arenas on different continents (they have been banned from battlefields internationally by the so-called Sankt-Gallen-Treaty).