铁甲钢拳 Real Steel (2011) 鋼鐵擂台


又名:钢铁擂台(台) / 钢铁勇士 / 铁甲机器人

上映日期:2011-11-08(中国大陆) / 2011-09-06(巴黎首映) / 2011-10-07(美国)片长:127

主演:休·杰克曼 / 达科塔·高尤 / 凯文·杜兰 / 安东尼·麦凯 / 伊万杰琳·莉莉 / 霍普·戴维斯 / 詹姆斯·瑞布霍恩 / 奥嘉·方达 / 


铁甲钢拳 Real Steel (2011) 鋼鐵擂台


2020年,未来一个并不遥远的年份,整个世界已经发生了许多变化。在那个时代,人类拳击不再被允许,取而代之的是各种机器人走上了擂台,继续这项火爆的运动,愉悦大众。前拳击手查理·肯顿(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)似乎并不那么落寞,他很快适应了时代的发展,带着经过训练的机器人一次次走上拳台。但是倒霉事接二连三,他先是意外落败,债台高筑,继而接到前女友突然过世的消息,并见到了从未谋过面的儿子——11岁男孩麦克斯(达科塔·高尤 Dakota Goyo 饰)。   一次意外,让麦克斯遇到了一台业已被淘汰的陪练机器人Atom。在麦克斯的坚持下,查理同意让Atom参加比赛,却意外发现这台“废物”不仅抗打,而且拥有搏斗的潜质与天赋。肯顿父子和他们的机器人由此踏上新的征途……In the near future when people become uninterested in boxing and similar sports, a new sport is created - Robot boxing wherein robots battle each other while being controlled by someone. Charlie Kenton, a former boxer who's trying to make it in the new sport, not only doesn't do well, he is very deeply in the red. When he learns that his ex, mother of his son Max, dies, he goes to figure out what to do with him. His ex's sister wants to take him in but Charlie has first say in the matter. Charlie asks her husband for money so he can buy a new Robot in exchange for turning Max over to them. He takes Max for the summer. And Max improves his control of his robot. But when the robot is destroyed, they go to a scrap yard to get parts. Max finds an old generation robot named Atom and restores him. Max wants Atom to fight but Charlie tells him he won't last a round. However, Atom wins. And it isn't long before Atom is getting major bouts. Max gets Charlie to teach Atom how to fight, and the father and son bond strenghtens.
