

又名:神隐少女(台) / 千与千寻的神隐 / Spirited Away / A Voyage of Chihiro / Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

上映日期:2019-06-21(中国大陆) / 2001-07-20(日本)片长:125

主演:柊瑠美 / 入野自由 / 夏木真理 / 菅原文太 / 中村彰男 / 玉井夕海 / 神木隆之介 / 内藤刚志 / 泽口靖子 / 我修院达也 / 大泉洋 / 小林郁夫 / 上条恒彦 / 小野武彦 / 




千寻和爸爸妈妈一同驱车前往新家,在郊外的小路上不慎进入了神秘的隧道——他们去到了另外一个诡异世界—一个中世纪的小镇。远处飘来食物的香味,爸爸妈妈大快朵颐,孰料之后变成了猪!这时小镇上渐渐来了许多样子古怪、半透明的人。   千寻仓皇逃出,一个叫小白的人救了他,喂了她阻止身体消 失的药,并且告诉她怎样去找锅炉爷爷以及汤婆婆,而且必须获得一份工作才能不被魔法变成别的东西。   千寻在小白的帮助下幸运地获得了一份在浴池打杂的工作。渐渐她不再被那些怪模怪样的人吓倒,并从小玲那儿知道了小白是凶恶的汤婆婆的弟子。   一次,千寻发现小白被一群白色飞舞的纸人打伤,为了救受伤的小白,她用河神送给她的药丸驱出了小白身体内的封印以及守封印的小妖精,但小白还是没有醒过来。   为了救小白,千寻又踏上了她的冒险之旅。Chihiro and her parents are moving to a small Japanese town in the countryside, much to Chihiro's dismay. On the way to their new home, Chihiro's father makes a wrong turn and drives down a lonely one-lane road which dead-ends in front of a tunnel. Her parents decide to stop the car and explore the area. They go through the tunnel and find an abandoned amusement park on the other side, with its own little town. When her parents see a restaurant with great-smelling food but no staff, they decide to eat and pay later. However, Chihiro refuses to eat and decides to explore the theme park a bit more. She meets a boy named Haku who tells her that Chihiro and her parents are in danger, and they must leave immediately. She runs to the restaurant and finds that her parents have turned into pigs. In addition, the theme park turns out to be a town inhabited by demons, spirits, and evil gods. At the center of the town is a bathhouse where these creatures go to relax. The owner of the bathhouse is the evil witch Yubaba, who is intent on keeping all trespassers as captive workers, including Chihiro. Chihiro must rely on Haku to save her parents in hopes of returning to their world.