奥山(仲代达矢 饰)在一次事故中,灼伤了脸,致使其面目全非,在丧失容颜的同时也把过去的自己给丧失了。整日缠着绷带不愿揭下,开始怀疑自己的存在。某一天,突袭妻子(京町子 饰),发现妻子尽然不愿同其温存,让奥山的愤怒达到顶峰。 奥山去寻求精神科医生的帮助,想要向其妻子发起一场复仇之旅。医生对奥山的提议很感兴趣,想要借其做一场实验。于是为奥山量身打造了一张足以引起人嫉妒的面具。起先还不适应面具的奥山深入人群中还会感到恐慌,但渐渐适应后,愈发习惯这张新的脸孔,奥山买了之前决不会穿的花哨衣服,酒量也和脸孔匹配似的减少。面具在无形中操控了奥山本人。随着对面具的驾轻就熟,复仇之旅也开始了。不出意料,妻子陷入了奥山布置的陷阱,在要收获复仇快感的同时,妻子却道出了让人惊讶的事实。面具后的奥山掩藏了自我,看似自由,但其实却和孤独越来越近……A businessman facially scarred in a laboratory fire receives psychotherapy from a psychiatrist, and obtains an amazingly lifelike mask from the doctor. Soon after being fitted for the mask, he seduces his wife and succeeds. But his wife claims she was aware all along who he was and believed that both were just masquerading together as most couples usually do in different ways. Strangely enough, his personality seemingly begins to change after he puts on the mask as if the mask has influenced his personality. His new identity does not enable him to reintegrate into society after all. A subplot is inserted in fragments. A good-natured young woman, the right side of whose face is disfigured, has been hurt by others' inquisitive eyes and insults, and has been shunned by men. She asks her older brother, the only man who understands her pain and solitude, to make love to her, hiding from him the intent of killing herself after then.