一个善良的老爷爷种了一棵葫芦树,在他的悉心照顾下,葫芦藤很快结出了七颗大葫芦。葫芦们都很有灵性,老爷爷来了他们争先恐后的叫爷爷,老爷爷十分开心。然而一天,山里的蛇精将老爷爷捉走了,葫芦们看着十分着急,却也无能为力。随后,葫芦们一个个开始成熟了,一天,最大的那个葫芦掉在地上,一个葫芦娃从里面蹦了出来。他向兄弟们挥挥手,决定单枪匹马闯蛇洞去救出爷爷。他能成功吗?Legend has it that two demons were jailed in the Calabash Mountains, a Scorpion spirit and the other a Snake spirit. One day, a pangolin happens to drill a hole on the slope and the two spirits escape from the cave, causing grave harm to the nearby residents. The pangolin hurries to an old man and says that only by growing calabashes in seven colors can they annihilate the spirits. So the old man spares no time in growing seven calabashes, each a different color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. The calabashes ripen sequentially, falling off their stems to the ground, and transforming into seven boys. Each has a unique supernatural ability such as super-strength, increased hearing and sight, invisibility, and pyrokinesis, as well as a weakness. Each of them also have above average strength and speed giving that all of them have shown the ability to lift items several times their own weight and leap several. With a combined effort, they set up a ...