Criminal Minds S08 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-NFHD/BS

犯罪心理 第八季(2012)

主演:乔·曼特纳 / 托马斯·吉布森 / 谢默·摩尔 / 马修·格雷·古柏勒 / 克斯汀·范奈丝 / A·J·库克 / 珍妮·特里普里霍恩 / 

导演:Chris Long 查尔斯·海德 

Criminal Minds S08 720p WEB-DL DD5.1 H264-NFHD/BS


故事发生在三个月之后,Morgan(去伦敦执行奥运会安保任务)和Garcia(帮助Prentiss搬入新家)从英国归来,发现身边多了一个人——长期在联邦调查局工作的语言学专家Alex Blake正式加入BAU调查组。Alex天不怕地不怕,曾因为和Strauss的矛盾而闹得满城风云。Garcia对这个新来的女人并不看好,但Alex高超的技艺最终让她转变了观念。这是好事情——BAU调查组必须明白「团结才是力量」的道理,否则他们无法面对本季的新威胁。在首集结尾观众会看到,某个反派角色不仅一直在嘲弄他们、骚扰他们,甚至在追猎他们。直到本季的季终集,BAU调查组才有机会与这个狡猾凶悍的对手展开正面对决。The vacancy on the team due to Prentiss' departure is filled by agent and university linguistics professor Alex Blake, whose arrival affects Garcia and Strauss the most but for different reasons. The first case with this entire new team takes them to Abilene, Texas where Don Dell, a life sentence prisoner, escaped when, during his transfer to a hospital, an accident occurred. The driver and EMT died in the accident, and Don killed the guard, in the process sewing his mouth shut, which is a signature of a past killer never caught coined the Silencer. The last of the Silencer's three murders, all of middle aged brunette working class women and all which were committed in the middle of the night, occurred in 2004, when Don was incarcerated. During his entire incarceration, he never spoke a word. The team is pretty sure he is the Silencer and not a copycat. They have to figure out why silence is a key to his life, and decipher the cryptic messages he is leaving behind in the hopes of being able to determine his whereabouts before he kills again.