故事发生在位于东京郊外的私立八光学园之中,这所学校致力于培养高贵纯洁的千金大小姐并因此远近闻名。然而,令众人都无法相信的是,自2011年4月起,这所从未被男子所踏足过的圣殿,竟然开始招收男生,而以藤野清志(中川大志 饰)为首的五个男生成为了这所学校历史上的首批男子学员。 在诸葛岳人(柄本时生 饰)、若本真吾(矢野圣人 饰)、安德烈(坂本祐介 饰)和根津让二(宫城大树 饰)的怂恿之下,藤野清志决定和他们一同去偷窥女澡堂,然而很快就落网的四人当然遭受到了来自于校园内部神秘组织“里学生会”的惩罚。他们被监禁在“监狱”之中,每日都要受到会长栗园万里(山崎紘菜 饰)等学生会骨干的“折磨”和“蹂躏”。5 male students enrolls at a school that has all female students. The boarding school was formerly an all-girls high school until the new school year. The student council then places the 5 male students in a place known as the prison on charges that they were peeping on the girls in the showers. The 5 male students struggle to escape from the prison.