

又名:The Easy Life


主演:维托里奥·加斯曼 / 凯瑟琳·斯巴克 / 让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 / 克劳迪奥·戈拉 / 卢恰娜·安焦利洛 / 琳达·西尼 / 南多·安卓利尼 / 埃达·费德罗娜奥 / 安妮特·瓦迪姆 / 雅克·斯塔尼 / 




故事发生在1962年的意大利,盛夏正浓,罗伯特(让-路易·特兰蒂尼昂 Jean-Louis Trintignant 饰)是一个年轻而又内向的学生,不善言辞的他总喜欢将自己的小小心思隐藏在心底。布鲁诺(维托里奥·加斯曼 Vittorio Gassman 饰)是一名事业有成的中年男子,他的脸上写满了一个成功男人会有的那种自豪的骄傲,对自己创立的“丰功伟业”如数家珍。   命运让这两个八竿子打不到一起的人相遇了,他们成为了前往托斯卡纳旅游的旅伴。刚开始,罗伯特非常的崇拜布鲁诺,觉得他简直就是人生赢家的典范,但随着时间的推移,布鲁诺渐渐暴露出了他反复无常精于算计的一面,最终,罗伯特明白了,看任何人都不能只看表象。Bruno Cortona and Roberto Mariani meet by chance as Roberto helps Bruno one day while everything is closed in Rome for the holiday weekend. The two men could not be more different. Thirty-six year old Bruno is extroverted, a man who seizes opportunities as they arise, is an excitement seeker, has never really grown up, but is a person to who many are drawn because of his exuberance and masculine good looks. Law student Roberto is introverted, controlled and so unsure of himself that he doesn't really know why he chose law as a career and is afraid not only to let the girl who lives across the way from him, Valeria, know that he likes her, but even to speak to her. He even has a photograph of her in his wallet that he took clandestinely. Roberto reluctantly gets caught up in the whirlwind of Bruno's last minute change in plans for the holidays as the two head off together in Bruno's Lancia Aurelia sports car, their joy ride which will be largely at Bruno's whim. That reluctance is because Roberto would rather stay at home to study for an exam a few weeks away. Roberto tries to ditch Bruno at every stop, he however afraid to tell Bruno the truth that he'd rather not be with him. But as their time together progresses, they each learn a little more about the other, with Roberto in particular beginning to understand how stultified his life has been. The question becomes whether Roberto and Bruno can find that good balance in their lives because of their time with the other.