

又名:国王的娼妇 / The King’s Whore


主演:提摩西·道尔顿 / 瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺 / 斯特凡纳·弗雷斯 / 




让路易公主(瓦莱莉·高利诺 Valeria Golino 饰)爱上了亚历山大伯爵,情投意合的两人很快就携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。婚后,让路易公主跟随着伯爵进入了皇宫,没想到国王十分中意公主活泼开朗的个性。伯爵的母亲明白,国王对公主的青睐能够替他们的家族换来无上的地位与荣耀,但对此一无所知的亚历山大伯爵依然沉浸在新婚的喜悦之中。   没过多久,让路易怀孕了,然而,这并没能够使国王对她的痴迷减少半分。最终,经过了权利和衡量,亚历山大伯爵亲手将自己最爱的女人送到了国王的身边,痴情的让路易心碎了,她决定通过国王来报复自私的伯爵一家人。The King of Piedmont is introduced to Jeanne, the beautiful young wife of one of his courtiers, with whom he falls madly in love the moment he sets eyes on her. Jeanne, very much in love with her own husband and wishing to be faithful to him, is disturbed by the king's advances and resists him. The king is obsessed with his desire for her and neglects his duties and his kingdom, until the entire court, including his wife and even Jeanne's own husband and his family, put pressure on Jeanne to give in to the king's wishes and become his mistress in order to save the king and the country. When her husband tells her it is her duty to serve the king and give in to his wishes, she goes to the king, but makes it very clear that she despises him and doesn't return his love for her. The king's passion for Jeanne never subsides and eventually goes so far that he loses a war when he returns home to nurse her through a near fatal illness instead of remaining with his troops and leading them in battle. Throughout the film the king becomes increasingly frustrated with the subservience of his court and people, who see it as their duty to serve and please him in every way: no courtier will be better at swordsmanship than the king, or at dancing, or at playing music, while the only person he desires makes it very clear that she will only bend to his wishes under pressure and against her will.