居住在新塞勒姆小镇的奥布里·弗莱明(琳德赛·洛翰 Lindsay Lohan 饰)是一个正在读高中的青春女孩,她的家境优渥,受着良好的教育,弹得一手好钢琴,并热爱写作。在学校里奥布里有着倾慕自己的男友和一众无话不说的闺蜜,生活无忧无虑。某晚校际球赛结束后,奥布里神秘失踪。适逢此时,邪恶的蓝色杀手甚嚣尘上,奥布里的父母朋友分外焦急。不久,被摧残得奄奄一息的奥布里被人发现,她苏醒后,却坚称自己是名叫达科塔•摩丝的脱衣舞女。一切变得扑朔迷离…… 本片获2008年金酸梅奖最差女主角奖(Lindsay Lohan,双角色)、最差导演奖、最差恐怖片奖、最差画面奖、最差银幕情侣奖和最差剧本奖。Aubrey Fleming is a regular high school student with friends and family. One night, she unexpectedly disappears. Two weeks later she is found unconscious in the middle of the woods. When spoken to, her loved ones realize she has forgotten her identity and the personality living in her body is Dakota Moss, a character that Aubrey created in one of her stories for an English assignment. Dakota denies ever being Aubrey knowing that they look identical. Now, Dakota must try to unravel the mystery of how her and Aubrey co-exist and find out who abducted Aubrey that night.