嘉伦是警方人质谈判专家,在荒芜的公路撞倒路执照,于是乘坐法兰及蕾安两夫妇的顺风车。途中,法兰从油站业主口中得知妻子有外遇,怒火中烧,他开枪将妻子击毙,嘉伦侥幸逃到政府秘保密验室暂避。嘉伦发现该处进行的实验能令她到回过去的二十分钟。为了救蕾安一命,她尝试到回过去,岂料牵连的人越来越多……Karen has to take a ride in Frank's car. He's travelling with his wife, on his way to sell computer chips, which he obtained illegally. He suspects his wife is being unfaithful and tragic things happen, following a discussion. Karen escapes, reaching a lab where a scientist has discovered how to go back in time, and she returns by accident some minutes before the violent events. Then she tries to make things better, but things tend to become worse, as time cycles keep being repeated.