这是一部梦魇似的电影。男主角查理不断在城市中的黑夜游荡,似是在找寻着谁;他在酒吧里向人述说着各式各样的都市传奇故事,但他的真正目的,却其实是想把自己也变成另一则都市传说! 最后,他看中了一个神秘的年青男子。他跟踪着他,影片的气氛也开始变得愈来愈黑色。然后,出乎意料之外的,我们陡地发现,那神秘的年青人,很可能就是他那失踪了的爱人…… 这是部绝对扣人心弦的电影,曾先后夺得过多个同志电影节的大奖(费城:最佳电影、西雅图:最佳男主角、旧金山:最佳处女作)。Charlie takes an odyssey through grief during a fall weekend in New York City. His encounters are planned and chance: with a homeless man who sleeps by his building, with a friend who's dying, with the couple who lives (and noisily loves) in the flat above him, with a bartender and a one-night-stand he follows home, and with a tattooed stranger whom he seeks out and befriends. Along the way, Charlie inhabits a city full of moments of violence and of stories and legends: a kidney thief, a microwaved poodle, a rat in a hot dog bun, a baby left on a car top, a tourist's toothbrush, needles in public-phone change slots. Charlie lives and tells his own stories. What caused his melancholy?