本片中,威尔莫特扮演的一名到处漂泊的单身汉为了让他临死的父亲能见到自己的孙女最后一面而追踪与其分开多年的前妻康顿,岂料他的出现却扰乱了他们的正常生活。 本片曾于2014年爱尔兰都柏林影展放映,由《霍比特人三部曲》金奖男星詹姆士•奈斯比领衔主演。Twelve years ago, Ray left town after his childhood sweetheart, Alice, dumped him, taking their daughter away from him. Now he must return home at the request of his ailing father, who wishes to see his granddaughter before it's too late. But things take a turn for the absurd when Ray realises his daughter and her mother have built a new life with his former P.E. teacher, a controlling and regimented figure who is the direct opposite of Ray. Set in an affluent suburb in south County Dublin, this offbeat comedy and unconventional love story delights in the hilarity of everyday life.