李尔王(Romayne Andrews 饰)年事已高,他决定将广袤的国土分给自己的三个女儿科迪莉亚(Natalie Simpson 饰)、格纳利尔(Nia Gwynne 饰)和里根(Oliver Johnstone 饰)。李尔王让三个女儿说出各自心中对父王的爱戴,格纳利尔和里根极尽花言巧语之所能,得到了李尔王的赞赏,小女儿科迪莉亚质朴而诚实,反而遭到了无情的驱逐。 失去了家园的科迪莉亚成为了法国的王后,而得到了父亲大片疆土的大女儿和二女儿则将李尔王赶出了家门。直到流落荒野无处可去,李尔王才明白自己犯了天大的错误,他一边责怪自己的愚昧,一边心痛科迪莉亚的遭遇。得知了李尔王的境遇,科迪莉亚组织了军队准备向老家进攻,不幸的是,军队遭遇惨败,科迪莉亚也遭到了逮捕。最终,科迪莉亚被处死,年迈的李尔王在痛苦中亦追随而去。King Lear has ruled for many years. As age begins to overtake him, he decides to divide his kingdom amongst his children, living out his days without the burden of power. A proud man, he allows vanity to cloud his judgment, believing that he can relinquish the crown, but enjoy the same authority and respect he has always known. Misjudging his children's loyalty he soon finds himself stripped of all the trappings of state, wealth and power he had taken for granted. Alone in the wilderness he is left to confront the mistakes of a life that has brought him to this point.